Outlook: The Neuroscience Issue
Already one of the world’s premier institutions in neuroscience research, WashU Medicine is deepening its investment. Read about our approach, areas of focus and latest advances in Outlook Winter 2023-24.
Obituary: Mary Bartlett Bunge, former professor and neuroscience pioneer, 92 (Links to an external site)
Bunge, at Washington University from 1970-1989, was a pioneer in understanding spinal cord injury and repair.
How does waste leave the brain? (Links to an external site)
Discovered route serves as passageway to clear fluid waste from brain
Mennerick named director of Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Links to an external site)
Psychiatry researcher aims to break down academic silos, enhance student experience
Newly opened Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building dedicated (Links to an external site)
Celebration signals ‘new era for medical science’
Washington University and Deerfield Management launch VeritaScience to drive drug discovery (Links to an external site)
Deerfield makes 10-year commitment of up to $130 million to accelerate translation of WashU discoveries to improve human health
Zipfel receives Dacey award for cerebrovascular research (Links to an external site)
Honor named after mentor, former head of neurosurgery department
Life span increases in mice when specific brain cells are activated (Links to an external site)
Brain cells communicate with fat tissue to produce cellular fuel, counteract effects of aging
Study reveals clues to how Eastern equine encephalitis virus invades brain cells (Links to an external site)
Structural biology research also enables scientists to design decoy molecule that blocks deadly infection
Smoking causes brain shrinkage (Links to an external site)
Findings help explain how smoking is linked to Alzheimer’s, dementia
Clues to preventing Alzheimer’s come from patient who, despite genetics, evaded disease (Links to an external site)
Breaking link between early, late stages of disease may prevent dementia